On the unlit stage, a figure sits quietly in the shadows. Looking down, his hoodie covers his face and shades on his eyes. The crowd begins to chant, quietly at first and then gaining momentum. “Fishbone is reeeeed hot! Fishbone is REEEEED HOT!!” He doesn’t react.
The figure is “Dirty Walter” Kibby (trumpet), and you’ve probably guessed who the band is. This is my first time seeing Fishbone in their veteran 30+ years, but the 15-show-super-fans nearby tell me what to expect. “Madness”, they say….?
Eventually, Fishbone’s other six members saunter casually on stage, reigniting the chanting. Their demeanor is chilled, but their mish-mashed appearance is creative and quirky (Shriner’s hat, fedora, bowling shoes, pajama onesie) giving prelude of the music to come. The chanting becomes louder and singer Angelo Moore flashes us his cheshire grin, giving a hint of what we are in for.
They kick off with Unyeilding Conditioning,and the mob erupts into half-dance, half-mosh mayhem. Within minutes the first crowd surfer flails his way toward the stage, but plummets short five rows too early. Seconds later the same guy successfully floats on stage where he fist pumps, sings into the mic, hugs Angelo, leaps back and floats away.
Angelo also charismatically leaps around stage, twisting his body and face into the awkwardest formations. The rest of the band dances around in their own expressions, from funky to street to hyper to mellow. Several songs in, “Flying Jay” Armant (trombone) makes his signature dive in the crowd. Shortly after he climbs the wall and successfully makes a six foot drop on to the crowd, cranking them into 10 decibels more of mayhem.
All the while, Fishbone cranks out fan favs, Behind Closed Doors, Another Generation, and epic Sublime cover Date Rape. Though the tempos are rapid, they play with veteran perfection and tightness, precision horns and keys, earning a royal ska-band status. They close out the pre-encore with Party at Ground Zero and the entire scene literally becomes the song. Bananas. Radio-active bananas, even.
It is completely clear to me now why super 15-show-fans exist. Fishbone *is* red hot.